About the Curriculum Author

Lisa Jaycox, PhD

Intervention Developer

Dr. Jaycox is a senior behavioral scientist at RAND Corporation and a clinical psychologist. She has wide-ranging clinical and research expertise in the areas of child, adolescent, and adult mental health problems with a special emphasis on reactions to trauma exposure. Prior to joining RAND, Dr. Jaycox conducted clinical trials of psychotherapy treatment and prevention programs for post-traumatic stress disorder in adult female assault survivors and also developed and evaluated a depression prevention program for school children. At RAND, her work has focused on mental health services research as well as evaluations of clinical trials, with an emphasis on dissemination of proven treatments into community settings.

Her focus on the mental health consequences of traumatic life experiences includes work related to the September 11th terrorist attacks, hurricanes Katrina and Rita, California fire storms, recovery from traumatic injuries resulting in hospitalization, evaluation work related to young children’s exposure to violence, as well as work related to deployment in Iraq and Afghanistan. Her work on the CBITS program began with intervention development with collaborators at UCLA and LAUSD, and continues today with an emphasis on national training and dissemination. 

About the Platform:

About the Software Developers:

About the Platform

This program is built on the powerful Dynamic e-Learning Platform (DeLP). Through more than a decade of federally funded research, 3C Institute developed DeLP to provide unparalleled personalized, engaging, and effective e-learning programs. 3C developers work with subject matter partners to select and intermix DeLP components for didactic instruction (“Tell me” components), illustrative examples (“Show me” components), and practice opportunities (“Let me try” components), each customized to achieve specific learning objectives for a particular audience.

DeLP can be applied for:
About the Software Developers
Since 2001, 3C Institute has been building effective, user-friendly programs, services, and software applications to promote health and well-being for children, adolescents, and adults. At 3C, we collaborate with like-minded partners to apply our research-based technologies to accelerate and advance their research and intervention efforts. Our custom software services are tailored to achieve broad-scale improvement in social, emotional, and behavioral health.